Are French Bulldogs Hyper And High-Energy?
Alex Vicente • Updated on August 24, 2023
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- Not a substitute for professional veterinary help.
You’re sitting comfortably on your sofa and start to hear the pitter-patter footsteps of none other than your loveable Frenchie.
You might notice the steps becoming exponentially faster until it’s straight-up scuttling at this point.
Your French Bulldog seems to have come down with a case of the zoomies.
In your head, you might be wondering, “Why is my French Bulldog so hyper?” Well, a lot of reasons can point to your pet’s frantic actions.
They might be stressed, not getting enough exercise, or lacking proper nutrition.
On the other hand, it could just be harmless or a part of their personality.
Still, you might want to exert more control over your overly energetic dog.
Stick around to learn more about why your French Bulldog is so hyper and what you can do about it if it’s getting out of hand.
Table of Contents
Are French Bulldogs Energetic?

Don’t let a French Bulldog’s small size and pudgy appearance trick you into thinking they’re lazy dogs.
They’re naturally energetic, but compared to other breeds, they’re on the medium end of the energetic spectrum.
I mean, just look at huskies.
Those dogs are fireballs and will always pester their owners for a walk.
Frenchies are a little more laid back.
That doesn’t mean they’re all calm, though, seeing as some Frenchies can get excessively energetic.
Before you jump to any conclusion about how energetic your pet is, make sure they’re out of their puppy phase.
Frenchie puppies carry a lot more energy.
All puppies usually do since they’re curious little things and are always exploring the new world around them, including your sock drawer.
How Did Your French Bulldog Get So Hyper?

Your Frenchie didn’t decide to become a reincarnated sports car on a whim.
Several indicators can give you a clue as to why a French Bulldog is overly hyperactive.
Let’s take a look at some of the reasons below.
Cause #1: Not Enough Exercise
When you see your dog sprinting around the house, it might be time to take them out on a calming walk to get all that energy out of them.
This is almost always the reason why your dog is becoming too excitable.
The good news is that you don’t have to exercise much.
Since they have a short snout, they usually go out of breath for the first 30 minutes or so.
It doesn’t even have to be a walk.
If it’s too cold or hot outside, you can simply play a fun game of hide-and-seek.
Any prolonged form of movement is bound to calm your Frenchie down in no time.
The bottom line is that you want to take out all their energy on the good stuff, rather than messing around your house.
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Cause #2: Separation Anxiety
If you’re usually out of the house, your adorable little pet might get lonely easily.
French Bulldogs almost always require a companion with them to keep them at ease.
In this case, you might want to try to keep them occupied with toys.
Some of your outings might take a while, so we highly recommend getting a dog sitter to keep your French Bully less lonely.
Another option you can look into is getting another pet to keep your Frenchie company.
Before you do that though you should first observe your current dog’s interaction with other dogs.
You should also consider that dogs tend to get jealous of whoever takes up the most attention from their owner.
So, tread lightly with this option.
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Cause #3: Improper Nutrition
The abnormal hyperkinesis or uncontrollable hyperactive movement could be a sign that your French Bulldog is hungry.
This cause might be more prominent when feeding time rolls around when they’ll act more excited since they’re trying to communicate to you that they need more food.
One of the telltale signs that improper nutrition is a vital factor to consider is when your pet leaves a little portion of their meal to conserve them for later.
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Cause #4: Stress
The environment a French Bulldog is exposed to can highly impact their behavior.
For instance, if they see you greeting guests over excitedly, your Frenchie might sense your emotions and attempt to imitate your level of excitement.
In other instances, your pet might not be particularly comfortable with having people over in your home.
It can heighten their stress levels and make them more prone to zoomies.
Plus, if there are any changes around the house, your French Bulldog will notice it, which can contribute to their stress factor.
Cause #5: Attention Needed
Running around the house like it’s Tokyo Drift might point to them wanting your undivided attention.
Let’s face it, dogs can sometimes be clingy, but it’s all part of the package.
Your fur baby is probably throwing an erratic tantrum so you’ll notice them.
While walking and playing around the house can be beneficial, even laying around for 20 minutes or so can make a world of difference.
You can even strike up a conversation with your Frenchie about how your day went, they’ll listen.
It’ll be helpful to both you and your dog since you’ll be getting things off your chest and the French Bulldog will feel noticed and loved.
How to Make Your French Bulldog Less Hyper

Now that you’ve gotten a good idea of why a French Bulldog can get so hyper, you might want to know how you can keep that hyperactivity under check.
Check out some of our tips below.
- Provide your little pet with behavioral training to calm them down.
- Give them a proper nutritional diet in case they’re hungry.
- Don’t leave them alone for too long at once. You can try to enforce some independence by leaving them with their toys bit by bit.
- Walk your French Bulldog once or twice a day or perform other exercises (check video below).
- Have some quality time with them to avoid loneliness.
- Visit the vet if the hyper behavior persists to check on any underlying medical issues, they’re trying to communicate to you.
To Conclude

Why is your French Bulldog so hyper?
Your adorable Frenchie might have a naturally energetic personality.
Nevertheless, it could also mean there’s a lot of suppressed energy that needs to be exerted more productively through exercise.
Note also that, sometimes, a French Bulldog can just get lonely and crave your company, or that of other dogs.