How Much Yogurt to Give a Dog with Diarrhea?
Dog HealthFind out how much yogurt you should give a dog with diarrhea, how it helps, the potential dangers of yogurt, and what the best ones are for your dog.

This is How Long Your Dog Should Fast Before Getting Spayed
Dog HealthRead to learn how long your dog should fast before getting spayed, why it's important to do it, and how to do it the right way.

How to Cool Down Your Senior Dog in Warm Weather
Dog HealthLearn about the different ways you can keep your senior dog comfortable during the warmest of weather. Keeping a dog cool is important, especially when they're older.

What Is the Brown Stuff in Your Dog’s Ears?
Dog HealthFind out what that *BROWN STUFF* in your dog's ears actually is, if you should worry or not, how to get rid of it, and other interesting tips and facts.

Dog Diarrhea: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments & Home Remedies
Dog HealthSeasoned dog owners know all too well that when it comes to doggy diarrhea, it’s a matter of when, not if their dog will succumb.