How Long Are French Bulldogs Pregnant For? Gestation Stages & Pregnancy Guide
Alex Vicente • Updated on August 1, 2023
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Nothing is more special and exciting than introducing new life to this world, even if it’s a litter of adorable Frenchie puppies.
Yet, as with everything else Frenchie, getting a female pregnant is no easy task.
First of all, their narrow hips and slim pelvis make it close to impossible to get pregnant naturally.
So, they have to be artificially inseminated.
Once conception is a success, the pregnancy stage can commence.
Many breeders and Frenchie owners often wonder: how long are French bulldogs pregnant?
The quick answer is an average of 60 days, give or take a couple of days.
Though, there’s so much that goes on during this time that we had to dedicate a post just for this topic.
So, let’s dive right in.
Table of Contents
So, How Long Are French Bulldogs Pregnant For?

Almost all dog breeds go through a pregnancy period of about 60 days or two months. The same goes for French bulldogs.
People usually leave a couple of extra days just to be on the safe side.
After all, it’s hard knowing the exact time when the fertilized egg embedded itself on the uterine lining.
The best way to determine an exact date of conception and birth is through your vet.
Thanks to modern gadgets, they’ll be able to run several tests, which narrow down the time slot to the exact day or at least as close to the actual date as possible.
Signs That Your French Bulldog Is Expecting

How can you tell if your Frenchie is pregnant or not?
There are several common signs to watch out for that will let you know if congratulations are in order.
Take a look.
Changes in Mood and Appetite
Mood changes are a well-known sign of pregnancy.
Some become more affectionate and seek out your attention more than usual.
Others may become more irritable, nipping at everything you do.
You may also notice that they’re becoming more reclusive and prefer staying by themselves.
Lack of appetite is another common sign. Is your dog not keen on eating as before, but there are no signs of digestive problems?
It could be that she’s pregnant, and the fluctuations in her appetite result from those rapidly changing hormones surging through her body.
She may have a decreased appetite at the start of the pregnancy.
Then, later on, her appetite may increase to even more than what she’s used to eating.
After a while, it may drop back down again.
We all know pregnancy hormones increase feelings of nausea and vomiting.
When this starts varies from dog to dog, but, on average, it can occur by about the third week of pregnancy.
The good news is that it usually goes away in about a week or two.
Still, it’s best to make sure the vomiting is because of the pregnancy and not another health issue.
What was once an energetic dog full of stamina and verve now has no interest in physical activity of any kind.
Does this sound familiar?
This lack of engagement usually occurs around week two of pregnancy and is completely normal.
Give your dog some time to get used to what’s happening to her body.
Chances are, within a few weeks, she’ll be up and playing again.
Growth of Breast Tissue
Within the first few weeks of pregnancy, a female Frenchie’s nipples and breasts will start to appear bigger and more sensitive to the touch, thanks to the developing milk glands.
Their color may also change and take on a redder hue because of the increased blood flow.
The 3 Stages of a French Bulldog Pregnancy

Like humans, French bulldogs go through three stages, or trimesters, of pregnancy.
Unlike us, each trimester lasts about three weeks.
First Trimester
During the first three weeks of pregnancy, your Frenchie will start exhibiting signs of irritability and mood swings.
Not surprising since this is a period when hormone levels are their highest.
In addition, their appetite will start to change, and they have less energy than before.
In addition, breast tissue begins to develop in anticipation of the puppies.
Second Trimester
Around the fourth week, the uterus will start to fill with fluids.
They protect the fetuses and keep them safe from any bumps or jolts.
You can start making out their French bulldog features at five weeks via ultrasound.
Their legs and paws will also begin developing around this time.
Don’t worry if your mama-to-be isn’t eating as she used to.
Her appetite will wane a bit during the second trimester, but it’ll quickly pick up in the weeks ahead.
Third Trimester
Week seven is when your Frenchie’s belly will definitely be showing.
You can feel them if you put your hand up to her stomach.
This is when you should start preparing for the delivery.
Start thinking about getting new bedding and plenty of sheets to make the mother and her puppies comfy and cozy.
At eight weeks, your Frenchie will start to be more anxious. S
he’ll also start to show nesting behavior in anticipation of her puppies.
Starting from week nine, you can expect labor to begin at any moment.
To know for sure, you’ll have to take the mother’s temperature via a rectal thermometer.
Normal temperatures are around 100℉. Once you get two consecutive readings of 97℉, that’s a sign that labor will begin within the upcoming 24 hours.
Labor and Delivery

Labor can take anywhere between three and 2 hours for a full litter.
In general, most Frenchies have two to four puppies per litter.
Your vet will recommend they deliver the litter via a c-section.
Natural births can be dangerous for both mother and puppy Frenchies.
Make sure your dog sees you before and after labor.
It’ll help calm her down and alleviate some of her anxiety.

So, how long are French bulldogs pregnant? About 60 days, or two months.
Unfortunately, Frenchies are at high risk of multiple health issues.
This makes taking care of your pregnant dog that much more paramount.