Why Do French Bulldogs Cry So Much And How To Help Them Stop
Alex Vicente • Updated on August 21, 2023
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So, you’ve recently got yourself a French Bulldog. He’s perfect in almost every way; he’s sweet, playful, ridiculously adorable, and surprisingly low maintenance—except when he’s not.
He’d whimper and whine whenever he wants to eat, play, or go for a potty break. It’s driving you mad.
What gives? Why do French bulldogs cry so much? Is this even normal?
If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place.
French Bulldogs, particularly French Bulldog puppies, are immensely vocal.
They whine, cry, and whimper all the time. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a bad pet parent or that your Frenchie is miserable or in pain.
In most cases, it just means he wants something.
Here are some of the common reasons why French Bulldogs cry so much:
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They Want Attention

The biggest reason French Bulldogs cry is that they want your attention.
Here’s the thing: Frenchies are social creatures. They love being around people and other animals.
This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. On one hand, they’re always happy to see you.
On the other, they need constant attention and validation.
Your Frenchie wants to be involved in whatever you’re doing.
Not only that; he also wants to be the center of your attention while you’re doing it.
You’d be watching Netflix and your Frenchie would get “jealous” that you’re giving the TV attention instead of him.
You’d be cooking a complicated meal for your family and he’d be upset that he’s not helping.
If he isn’t next to you, he’d start whining and crying for attention.
He doesn’t understand that he can’t always be around when you’re doing stuff.
They’re Hungry

Just like when cats meow when they’re hungry and thirsty, French Bulldogs cry when they want something to eat or drink.
After all, they can’t pour themselves a bowl of chow or turn on the tap when they’re thirsty.
Instead, they turn to you—their food God.
Despite their small size, French Bulldogs are almost always hungry.
They’ll eat anything you give them; they’re not picky!
Sometimes, they’d even “trick” you into giving them more food by whining and crying, pretending they’re starved for days.
So, your dog might be crying because he’s hungry or thirsty.
Perhaps you’ve missed his regular feeding time by a few minutes, or maybe he just wants a treat.
If he’s used to getting fed whenever he cries, it’s hard to break the habit, so only feed your pup when it’s time to eat!
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They Need to “Go”

Your dog might be whining and crying because he needs to use the potty.
The “I need to go” whine is different from the “I need attention” whine, so you’ll eventually be able to differentiate the two.
Some owners housetrain their Frenchies so they don’t have to constantly take them out to poop or pee.
They’d instead do their business in the litter box, pee pad, or turfgrass in an open balcony.
They’re Scared

Your French Bulldog might be crying because he’s anxious, nervous, or scared.
This behavior is especially common among puppies and older dogs who are still new to their homes.
If you’ve just bought/adopted a Frenchie, this is likely the reason why he’s crying so much.
He’s nervous, overwhelmed, and slightly lonely, too, especially if he was separated from his siblings or his other pet best friends.
Give him time to adjust and familiarize himself with the new environment around him.
Crying is a natural part of the adjustment process; give your pup a few weeks to settle in your home.
They (Probably) Have Separation Anxiety

French Bulldogs are companion breeds, so they’re more susceptible to developing separation anxiety.
For those who aren’t aware, separation anxiety is a health condition in which a dog is overly attached or dependent on his owners.
When left alone even for a few minutes, a dog with separation anxiety becomes extremely distressed and anxious.
This results in undesirable behaviors such as crying, house soiling, coprophagia (eating feces), and general destruction.
He may even try to escape from an area where he’s confined to search for his guardian.
Separation anxiety happens for many reasons, from an abrupt change in schedule to a traumatic past (being abandoned, surrendered to a shelter, etc.).
If your dog shows signs of separation anxiety, you need to “train” him to get used to your absence.
Eventually, your pup will realize that you’ll always come back and are here to stay.
They Might Have a Medical Condition

If your Frenchie has visible tears in his eyes, this is likely caused by a medical condition.
Unlike humans, dogs don’t express their sadness through tears.
They’d whimper or cry, yes, but they don’t weep. So, if your Frenchie has tears rolling down his face, it could either be due to an allergic reaction or blocked tear ducts, both of which can lead to watery discharge from the eyes.
It might also be caused by an eye infection.
To prevent these issues, regularly use an antibacterial tear stain remover when cleaning your pup’s face.
Apply a few drops on a cotton ball and gently wipe it over your dog’s eyes.
Also, make sure your Frenchie isn’t suffering from any allergies.
Brachycephalic dogs (i.e., dogs with squished faces) are especially vulnerable to seasonal pollen and dust allergies, so make sure to visit your vet to rule out such possibilities.
It’s important to keep in mind that French Bulldogs—or any dog, for that matter—don’t cry when they’re suffering from chronic pain.
Of course, it’s reasonable to see your pup crying and whimpering when he’s dealing with postoperative pains or has accidentally stepped on something sharp. In most cases, though, constant whining stems from a behavioral issue rather than a physical issue.
You may also want to read:
French Bulldog Medical Issues: Everything You Need to Know

There you have it, folks; six main reasons French Bulldogs cry so much! In most cases, Frenchies cry because they want attention, they’re hungry, they’re scared, or they need to go potty.
If your Frenchie has visible tears running down his face, this is likely due to allergies, eye infection, or blocked tear ducts.
Visit a veterinarian to help you solve this issue.