Why Do French Bulldogs Eat Poop And How To Stop It
Alex Vicente • Updated on August 1, 2023
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French Bulldogs aren’t the easiest dogs to take care of.
One of the most common problems you could find, especially at a young age, is poop-eating.
But why do French Bulldogs eat poop?
French Bulldogs eat poop for many reasons.
Hunger and diseases are on top of the list.
They also have stress, boredom, and attention-seeking as more reasons to do that.
Eating poop should go away on its own once your Frenchie goes beyond eight months.
However, if the habit persists, then you should get to the bottom of this.
Let’s get to know in detail why Frenchies eat poop, as well as what to do about it.
Table of Contents
Why Do Frenchies Eat Their Poop?

Eating poop is common with Frenchies. It even has a name; Coprophagia.
There are various reasons why your Frenchie might nibble at poop.
1. Hunger
Your Frenchie might be so hungry that he would eat his poop.
Here’s why your Frenchie could be hungry:
Too Little Food
Frenchie Puppies should be fed three times every day.
Any less than that and they might start to seek food somewhere else.
Make sure that your pup is eating his meals every day to avoid developing bad habits.
Bad Quality Food
You might be feeding your Frenchie a good quantity of food, but the quality might be bad.
French Bulldog puppies should eat highly nutritious food to help them grow healthily.
Don’t use cheap foods. You’ve already paid good money for the Frenchie.
Invest a little more to keep him healthy.
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French Bulldog puppies are more susceptible to parasites and worms than most other dogs.
Even if you feed them enough, they might seek more food because their parasites eat most of what they ingest.
Take this as a sign. If you know that you feed your dog enough and still find him eating his poop, you should take him to the vet.
He might be having parasites or worms.
2. Boredom
Frenchies require a lot more attention than your average dog.
They’re easily bored and not every owner can take care of them.
If Frenchies don’t get the social interaction they need, they might resort to doing odd things.
One of these things is eating poop.

3. Attention Seeking
This is a strange one.
When Frenchies aren’t given the attention they seek, they might try new ways to get a reaction from you.
Even if it’s a negative one.
One of these new ways is eating poop.
The logical response from the pet owner would be to scold their Frenchie.
To your pup, that “negative” reaction is still better than no reaction at all.
When your Frenchie eats poop, yelling at them or scolding them is a bad idea.
4. Stress
Poop eating is a lot more common in younger Frenchies.
If it happens with adult ones, chances are your Bulldog is stressed out.
This could happen for a lot of reasons.
You may have moved to a new city or have constant disagreements in your house.
Stressed out Frenchies could exhibit various reactions.
They could damage furniture, fight with your or other pets, and -you guessed it- eat poop.
5. Diabetes
French Bulldogs can get diabetes just like us. Diabetes affects people (and dogs) differently.
Some dogs could have decreased appetite while others could want a lot more food.
French Bulldogs with a high appetite may seek poop as an extra source of food.
Should You Worry About Your Frenchie Eating Poop?

If your Frenchie puppy is under eight months old, then it’s not something major.
Of course, you should do your best to stop him (more on that very soon), but he will often stop doing it on his own.
However, if this habit persists longer than eight months, then you might have a problem on your hands.
Eating poop could result in various health issues like parasites, inflammation, vomiting, and diarrhea.
You should do everything you can to stop that from happening.
How To Stop Frenchies From Eating Poop?

Here are your available options to stop your Frenchie from the poop-eating habit:
1. Don’t React Badly
This is probably the most important step.
Reacting negatively or constantly yelling at your Frenchie can make the situation worse.
Your dog may be trying to get your attention.
If you scold him every time he does it, then he’s succeeding in getting your attention by doing something harmful.
Add to that, constant scolding or punishing of your dog can make him fear you.
That’s the last thing you’d want with a Frenchie.
2. Take Your Frenchie to the Vet
Your French Bulldog might be having an underlying medical condition.
There are many diseases out there that don’t show noticeable signs or symptoms right away.
The first thing you should do if your Frenchie eats poop is to take him to the vet.
Excluding any medical conditions will let you focus on mentally handling the problem.
Additionally, if there’s a medical condition, the vet will help you treat it.

3. Give Your Frenchie More Attention
We can’t stress this enough.
French Bulldogs require a lot of social interaction.
These pups are quicker to show social starvation reactions.
Eating poop is only one of many weapons in their arsenal.
Don’t let them use it.
Give them attention.
4. Clean the Poop
Scooping out their poop from the garden or yard can go a long way in stopping your Frenchie from eating his poop.
If you have cats or any other pets in the household, you should clean that poop as soon as you can as well.
If he has no access to it, then he can’t eat it.
5. Make Poop Smell Bad
Some pet owners reported adding small amounts of pineapples to their Frenchies’ diets helped with the poop eating problem.
Pineapple makes the poop smell foul and repellent.
This will help you if you don’t have time to constantly remove the poop from your pup’s reach.
Don’t worry, pineapple is safe for most dogs as long as you don’t use large amounts.
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Keep Them Happy and Healthy

There it is. Why do French Bulldogs eat poop? The answer is: for many reasons.
Hunger, diseases, bad food quality, stress, boredom, and attention-seeking are all reasons for your French Bulldog to eat poop.
It’s important to find any medical condition if there’s one, then look for any signs that your dog is mentally irritated or stressed out.
After which you should do what you can to ease that stress off your Frenchie.
Keep them happy and healthy.